Stupid blogger
I was in the mood to bake again this Sunday afternoon, and once I got started I just kept going. The good thing is that I have had enough to last me all week, which helps with the last-minute-morning-rush.
I started with the oatmeal bread (again from the More-with-less cookbook), which I'd made a few years ago and tried again. It has a nice flavour, and I've been enjoying it. I was thinking of making some rye bread, but there was no rye flour to be found anywhere in the grocery store (though they do have more unusual stuff like teff or spelt flour. go figure).
I then made the carrot-raisin muffins from VWAV, and while looking for that recipe, saw one for orange-glazed scones that looked good too, so I made those as well. I'm running really low on flour, so unless I buy some brandname stuff (and find some free time in the next week, which is highly unlikely) I won't be doing much baking until I can make it to the city and buy more organic flour (and 57 other ingredients).